Assalamu 'alaikum Wr.Wb.
Dear All,
In reference to my previous article, I have informed to all of you that my family now is happy because of my dearest boy born. Now I could provide you information about him in detail as you know that it is parent's responsibility to announce this happiness to every body who know the family as well.
Dear readers, my boy's name is Nareswara Pradipta Wicaksana. Nareswara means King; Pradipta means shining; Wicaksana means wise and clever. As parent, we wish him could be growth as a King or leader who shines every one he knows with his clever and wise attitude. All the words are taken from ancient Javanish language which are antique to find out.
Dear readers, as you know that he is our second child as we have Nadia already about 4 years ago. Now we need your support to dedicate our live to keep our children growing in the best environment, education and also Allah may bless us with good prosperous. Amin...
We really need your best support to make the dream comes true as we wish through our life.
Wassalammu 'alaikum Wr.Wb.